General settings

The general settings contains both some setup and also some information about the Cargo system.

Windows paths

Please note that using back slash (\) in the search paths will cause problems. Instead use forward slash (/) for all folder separators, e.g. C:/Documents/Cargo


Only available for top administrators

This setting view is only available for the top administrator, i.e. only the administrator located in the top level in the Cargo users. Administrators located in sub groups do not have access to this setting view.

The general setting view shows some information about the Cargo system and the user may set some of the default folders on the server.
Note that the general view is not accessible for all admin users but only the top administrator.

The Cargo Admin general setting view

System information

Three different versions are shown, one for the server, one for the database and one for the client. The server indicates the Cargo web server application. The database version shows the current Cargo database version. The button 'Upgrade' next to the database version is used if you have an upgrade file for your Cargo database. The client version indicates the version of the client application currently being run.

The license information shows parts of the current license number and the license type. If you have purchased an update, use the button 'Update' to enter the new license number.

The server status shows whether the Cargo server is currently running or not.


The server status is only showing the status of the Cargo software, not the web container in which Cargo server is running.

The log level can be set to log more or less. The log level should normally be set to INFO. A lower level can be used to avoid a lot of log files. When trying to solve an error it is advisable to set the log level to ALL in order to be able to analyze the system.


If the log level is set to a high level, e.g. ALL, the server will create a large number of log files. Only use a high log level if you have some trouble with your system and the log will enable more accurate problem searching.

In normal circumstances, the log level should not be higher than INFO.

Double server setup

If the Cargo system is used with two servers, one inside and one outside the firewall, the two servers need to exchange setup information. When changing the settings in Cargo Admin you should always login to the server inside the firewall. The server will transfer all vital information to the server outside the firewall without having to restart the servers. In order for this data exchange to take place the inner server needs to know where the server outside the firewall is located.

The URL set in the double server setup should be the location of the outer server and must be reachable with regular HTTP calls from the inner server, otherwise the two servers will need to be restarted after each change in Cargo Admin.

Server Folders

The locations in the server folders are all locations relative to the server on which Cargo server is running. The general settings may be overridden in various other settings in the Cargo Admin.

Attachment folder The folder location for files that are uploaded only as attachment to a job, e.g. attachment in the COP module.
Backup folder The folder location which is used as a backup folder when a profile has the backup option selected.
Job root folder The folder location which is used as a root folder for all files being uploaded.
Job file name change

If not empty the uploaded files will change their name to the specified value.



The general settings for thumbnail/preview creation may be overridden in other settings in the Cargo Admin.

The extra parameters field may be used to pass parameters to the ImageMagick when creating the image.


ImageMagick is used to create the thumbnails/previews in the system. You may use the system path to the ImageMagick or set the folders manually. When these settings have been saved it is possible to test the settings for thumbnail/preview by using the top toolbar buttons.