The SMTP settings are used throughout other parts of the administration views to enable email sending.

The user may add as many different SMTP server settings as wanted.

The SMTP settings allows the user to add as many SMTP server configurations as wanted. Each of these configurations may be used in other parts of the administrator interface, e.g. in various email sending actions.

The SMTP setting view

Name The name is used to identify this SMTP setup in other parts of the admin interface.
SMTP host The address of the SMTP server to use.
Port The port of the SMTP server to use when communicating with the server.
Use SSL If this check box is selected the connection with the SMTP server will be done using Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
Login The account to use when communicating with the server.
Password The account password.
From (name) The name that will appear as the name from which the emails are sent.
From (email) The email address that will appear as the sender address. Note that most SMTP servers do not allow other email addresses than the actual address of the account being used.